I wore my long skirt and I did yoga today. I was surprised it was comfortable! (but I couldn't Plow Pose.lol) I dreamed about the yoga teacher training final exam last night:S I really worry about it. I have to do my home work now. Yes,I'm still fighting with yoga sutra.lol I just understand yoga sutra just a little bit and it's very interesting! The teacher training will come soon!
I like yoga sutra 1.33
"In daily life we see people around who are happier than we are,
people who are less happy. Some may be doing praiseworthy things and others causing problems. Whatever may be our usual attitude toward such people and their actions. if we can be pleased with others who are happier than ourselves, compassionate toward those who are unhappy, joyful with those doing praiseworthy things,and remain undisturbed by the errors of others, our mind will be very tranquil."