yoga with skirt

I wore my long skirt and I did yoga today. I was surprised it was comfortable! (but I couldn't Plow I dreamed about the yoga teacher training final exam last night:S I really worry about it. I have to do my home work now. Yes,I'm still fighting with yoga  I just understand yoga sutra just a little bit and it's very interesting! The teacher training will come soon!

I like yoga sutra 1.33
"In daily life we see people around who are happier than we are,
people who are less happy. Some may be doing praiseworthy things and others causing problems. Whatever may be our usual attitude toward such people and their actions. if we can be pleased with others who are happier than ourselves, compassionate toward those who are unhappy, joyful with those doing praiseworthy things,and remain undisturbed by the errors of others, our mind will be very tranquil."


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Meditation book for Mother's Day

I found some meditation books for Mother's Day @ Barns&Noble today. I think sending meditation book to mothers is awesome!;D What do you think about it? Oops! I totally forgot the book's name and I couldn't find it! I will check it if I can;) Mother's Day will come soon♥;D

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weight loss yoga lesson

Is she doing savasana?lol

I had weight loss yoga class this morning. The lunge with twist and chair pose with twist were little bit hard! I already have muscle pain!lol

Today's poses were

easy sitting pose
folded butterfly
真珠貝のポーズ(I did the pose when I lived in Japan. it's my fav pose but I don't know the English name:S)
extended child's pose
up plank
down plank
down dog
jump forward
standing forward bend
mountain pose
三日月のポーズ(half moon pose in English. a new moon pose in Japanese. Ummm interesting!)
lunge pose with twist
up plank with one hand
chair pose with twist
warrior Ⅰ
side chest stretch pose
revolving triangle
half moon pose
tree pose
eagle pose
dancer pose with strap
child pose
cat/cow pose
shoulder stand
plow pose
happy baby
half bridge pose
bridge pose
lying twist with eagle leg

I was sweating today's lesson! The students were really good! I was surprised! A little boy did yoga with his mother. It was sooo cute♥:D He always heals me. I would love to have my yoga lesson with child. My son is always ready for the toys for the child before he goes to school;)) We really enjoy it! I hope many mothers can enjoy yoga lesson with their child!;D I was hungry after the lesson! I ate a lot of lunch though I did wight loss yoga!lol

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weight loss yoga

I have yoga lesson tomorrow morning. one of the students wants to do weight loss yoga, so I'm going to do little bit hard yoga poses. it's my fav yoga YouTube for weight loss. the lady is super beautiful!! I can't do like this!!

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I Love Chicago

doing the Eagle pose @ Trump Hotel Chicago

I came back to my home in Indiana! I miss Chicago, I miss Trump Hotel! The sight was beautiful! I think Chicago is super beautiful city ever!

I got new clothes and accessories in Chicago♥ it was very reasonable! I like it♥ I had so much fun in Chi city;D

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yoga @ Trump Hotel Chicago

I went to Trump Hotel Chicago for my son's bday trip. I did yoga @  the hotel. the hotel person let me using this studio for my personal yoga practice! awww how sweet!!! I was so excited!!! beautiful healing music was playing in the studio and it was smell good everywhere in the hotel. I did yoga 1 hour. it was amazing time♥ Trump hotel has yoga lesson but there was no lesson while I was staying the hotel. but I was really happy to do yoga practice in the studio :)

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my fav relax pose

I had lower back pain this morning, so I saw "Practice for Lower Back Pain" page in "30 essential YOGA POSES" Judith Lasater,ph.D.,P.T. book. I'm having my period also. yeah,I feel not good. haha! today's my yoga poses were
Half dog pose at the wall
Child's pose
Child's pose with support
Lying twist pose with your feet wide apart
Reclining bound angle pose

I really love Shithilasana. I found the website page about this pose.
click here → yoga Shithilasana
I do the pose before sleep, when I'm sick and lay on the bed. the pose makes me relax.  pregnant ladies must avoid this asana.

I'm going to big city Chicago tomorrow! (actually it's today) I'm so excited about it! I would like to take yoga class in Chicago but I think it's difficult. I hope I will get new yoga cloth in Chicago;D♬

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meditation with a candle

I had bad PMS yesterday. I had fever,headache,stomachache. I laid down all day, so I did only Reclining Bound Angle Pose. I have bad PMS every month:/ I'm thinking about yoga poses for PMS. going to do meditation with a soy candle on my mat :) my teacher taught teacher training students this amazing meditation. love it.

today's my poses were
Reclining Bound Angle Pose with yoga strap
Extended Child's Pose
Child's Pose
Folded Butterfly
Cat Pose
Wide Leg Standing
Seated Angle Pose

Pranayama Ujjayi sitting
for my menstrual period


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My second lesson

I had yoga lesson this morning. 6 Japanese people came to my home! one of the students is having her period,so I took care her poses. I told to her avoiding those poses
Downward Facing Dog Poses
Plank Pose
Sholder Stand Pose
Plow Pose

She avoided those poses today.

and I recommended those poses for her
Reclined Bound Angle Pose
Folded Butterfly
Extended Child's Pose
Child's Pose
Wide Leg Standing
Bridge Pose
Seated Angle Pose

When we did avoiding poses,she did Reclined Bound Angle Pose or Child Pose and rested.

Today's my yoga lesson menu is
Reclined bound angle
Easy sitting pose
Mountain pose (Tadasana)
Sranding forward bend pose
Lunge pose
Downward facing dog pose
Side chest stretch pose
Side angle strech pose
Triangle pose
Revolving triangle pose
Half moon pose
Wide leg standing
Up plank
Down plank
Tree pose
Dancer pose
Eagle pose
Bridge pose
Shoulder stand
Plow pose
Bow pose
Child's pose
Cat / Cow
Lord of the fishes
Seated angle pose

One of the student liked Eagle pose. I found the awesome YouTube! I like the hands variation!

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Chose the poses

I chose the poses for my yoga lesson. I chose the poses from "YOGA THE IYENGAR WAY" book. I really like this book! It has a lot of poses. I chose...
Warrior Ⅲ
Easy sitting pose
Revolving triangle
Reclined bound angle
Seated forward bend
Lord of the fishes
Shoulder stand
from the book for the beginning student.

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The Chakra DECK in my bag

"The Chakra DECK" is small,so it's good for my bag♥ I read the book while I was waiting for my hubby in his car. I read Navel Solar Plexus Chakra cards. "Breath of Fire Stretch Pose" is funny♥ they said "stick out your tongue, and pant like a dog"!!! Yeah,I know it's good breathing practice! I'll teach the pose! maybe it will be so cute♥;D Anyway, 5 Japanese girls will come home next Tuesday and I'll teach yoga again! I'm glad to hear that!:D It's very late now, so I'm going to do some yoga poses and going to sleep♥ night!

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The Chakra DECK

Finally I got "The Chakra DECK"! 
I couldn't get the book before,so I worried about can I get the book. I need the book cuz' I'll teach the 3rd Chakra in my teacher training class. 
I'm happy to get the book!:D 
I began to read the book and I'm going to practice the 3rd Chakra poses;D 
The book is very interesting! 

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Yoga Sutra

I read "yoga Sutra" this morning. it's hard to understand for me. It was very nice today, so I went to the zoo with my son:) I took this movie and I like it♥

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my first class

I had my first yoga class this morning! 4 Japanese girls came to my home. so happy♥ They were beginning student but they were really awesome! We used yoga blocks. The hardest pose was Half-Moon Pose! I have sore muscle Thank you girls!!!:D

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Can't wait my first lesson!

I'm still fighting with "The Heart of Yoga".lol It's very nice today! so I wanna read the book outside but I couldn't:/ I have cataract. the sunlight was too hard for my eyes:/ so sad. I read the book inside. I did practice my teaching for tomorrow lesson:) I heard 3~4 student will come my home! how exciting!!! I did 1 hour lesson myself. I taught to someone who didn't can't wait tomorrow! it's my first lesson!!! I know I don't have the yoga teacher license yet,so it's for my learning and volunteer;)

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Practice my teaching

It was rain today. So I was doing my yoga teacher training home work in my home. Reading "The Heart of Yoga" is still hard for me:/ My Japanese friend will come my home and I will teach yoga to her on this Wednesday! I practiced my teaching for 1 hour. I'm so excited about it! It will be fun!:D

The practice schadule is.....

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Standing Forward Bend Pose
Downward Facing Dog Pose
Warrior Ⅰ
Side Chest Stretch Pose
Warrior Ⅲ
Side Angle Stretch Pose
Triangle Pose
Half-Moon Pose
Wide-Leg Standing
Up Plank Pose with one hand up
Downward Facing Dog Pose
Up Plank
Down Plank
Downward Facing Dog Pose
Standing Forward Bend Pose
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Tree Pose
Bridge Pose
Bow Pose
Child's Pose

I use blocks and blankets. I hope I can teach those poses without my notebook!


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for beginning students

I'm going to teach my Japanese friend this week. I'm thinking about my teaching. I use "30 essential YOGA POSES FOR BEGINNING STUDENTS AND THEIR TEACHERS" Judith Lasater,Ph.D.,P.T. I think this book is great for beginning students. there are a lot of information in this book. 
I chose those poses for my friend in this book.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)
Half-Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)
Warrior 1 Pose (Virabhadrasana)
Warrior 2 Pose (Virabhadrasana 2)
Extended Side-Angle Stretch Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)
Side-Chest Stretch Pose (Parsvottanasana)
Wide-Leg Standing Forward Bend Pose (Prasarita Padottanasana)
Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Standing Forward Bend Pose (Uttanasana)
Up-Plank Pose and Down-Plank Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana)
Lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana)
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
Legs-Up-tha-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
Seated-Angle Pose (Upavistha Konasana)
Child Pose (Adho Mukha Virasana)
Basic Relaxation Pose (Savasana)

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The Heart of Yoga

I'm reading "The Heart of Yoga" T.K.V DESIKACHAR again. I feel so hard to read this book because it's philosophical for me. My English is not good,so reading this book is hard. but I should try to do it for my yoga teacher training. Ummm so hard.

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yoga blankets

I got yoga blankets. the blankets help doing yoga pose and they make us relax. I need them for my teaching :) I'm so happy to get them!

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yoga for women

I'm thinking about yoga for women. yoga for PMS,yoga for menstrual period,yoga for women's beauty etc. I think this book helps me. I borrowed some yoga book which has the same theme. I'm going to read them. 

I heard Japan had big aftershock. 
I just pray for Japan

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office chair yoga

I did teach my English teacher in my English lesson. I had my English lesson at the library,so I did some office chair yoga poses like this Youtube. my English teacher corrected my English. she taught English to me and I taught yoga to her. Is it good idea,huh?
It was beautiful day! I played with my friends and son at the park for 3 and half hours!!! I have sore muscle now. going to do some yoga poses for me and going to my bed. good night☆

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Meditations from the Mat

I start reading "Meditations from the Mat" ROLF GATES and KATRINA KENISON. my English teacher helped my reading in today's English lesson. I learned the correct pronounce. the meaning  is very interesting! I like it! I wanna read those sentence in my future lesson someday:)

Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers,
The Talmud

Pray for Japan

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ready for teaching

My friend lets me teaching yoga! I'm exciting about it! She wants to do yoga for her beauty. I think she is already beautiful. hum. but I'm thinking about some poses for women's beauty. I was surprised there are many Youtube of yoga for weight loss! wow. I was looking for some my favorite Youtube. I can't put all my favorite Youtube on this page cuz' there are a lot!lol
I wanna teach woman for one lesson cuz' I wanna teach poses for own monthly cycle. I'm thinking about yoga for women's monthly cycle now.

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wonderful lesson

I had wonderful teacher training today! teacher taught me Partner yoga. it's amazing!  it's like a massage! I love it! I found this awesome Youtube. my classmates's teaching were awesome. I really respect my classmates! we had potluck,it was so yummy. I like all dishes.
we made a circle,we joined hands and we closed our eyes.
hands warm
hearts warm
I cried. I just pray for Japan.

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teacher training day

I had a great teacher training today! I learned Jump pose. It was interesting and I liked the pose!

I found a variation of Jump pose wit blocks on Youtube. I'll try it;)

I did Arm pressure pose and Plow pose in my teaching after lunch time. Those pose were hard after lunch time:/ I asked the teacher about Arm pressure pose variation cuz' the pose is too hard for me. He told the awesome variation of that pose to me! I  liked the variation!

My classmates's teaching were all awesome! They are really neat! I love my yoga teacher training classmates. I already miss The teacher training will be all done on June. It's happy and a little bit missing. I'm going to have teacher training tomorrow also;D I have to sleep. good night☆

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teacher training today!

it's teacher training day today! what a exciting morning! my home work was almost all done. this is teacher training file. teacher training is very tough class. I'll teach 15-minute teaching including one arm balance,inversion or backbend. going to memory my saying til the teacher training! practice! practice!practice!

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today's supper

I often make Japanese style beef stew. we call it "Niku Jyaga".
today's supper is
・Niku Jyaga  ~Japanese Style Beef Stew
・Japanese Style boiled asparagus
・Tofu and Wakame soy soup

I wanna write Niku Jyaga recipe in English but I have to do my yoga home work right now! I didn't do all my home work yet. omg!!! the teacher training is tomorrow!!! it's 11:40pm nooow!

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Yoga Kids

I bought this awesome book at Barns&Noble! my son was interested in this book and he wanted to make yoga pose! he did many poses in this book.

downdog pose

he said this pose was "goldfish pose".lol he made this pose.

he did poses with the chair. he made this pose. 
I couldn't stop laughing to see him! we had so much fun on the yoga mat! 

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