weight loss yoga lesson

Is she doing savasana?lol

I had weight loss yoga class this morning. The lunge with twist and chair pose with twist were little bit hard! I already have muscle pain!lol

Today's poses were

easy sitting pose
folded butterfly
真珠貝のポーズ(I did the pose when I lived in Japan. it's my fav pose but I don't know the English name:S)
extended child's pose
up plank
down plank
down dog
jump forward
standing forward bend
mountain pose
三日月のポーズ(half moon pose in English. a new moon pose in Japanese. Ummm interesting!)
lunge pose with twist
up plank with one hand
chair pose with twist
warrior Ⅰ
side chest stretch pose
revolving triangle
half moon pose
tree pose
eagle pose
dancer pose with strap
child pose
cat/cow pose
shoulder stand
plow pose
happy baby
half bridge pose
bridge pose
lying twist with eagle leg

I was sweating today's lesson! The students were really good! I was surprised! A little boy did yoga with his mother. It was sooo cute♥:D He always heals me. I would love to have my yoga lesson with child. My son is always ready for the toys for the child before he goes to school;)) We really enjoy it! I hope many mothers can enjoy yoga lesson with their child!;D I was hungry after the lesson! I ate a lot of lunch though I did wight loss yoga!lol

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