It was rain today. So I was doing my yoga teacher training home work in my home. Reading "The Heart of Yoga" is still hard for me:/ My Japanese friend will come my home and I will teach yoga to her on this Wednesday! I practiced my teaching for 1 hour. I'm so excited about it! It will be fun!:D
The practice schadule is.....
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Standing Forward Bend Pose
Downward Facing Dog Pose
Warrior Ⅰ
Side Chest Stretch Pose
Warrior Ⅲ
Side Angle Stretch Pose
Triangle Pose
Half-Moon Pose
Wide-Leg Standing
Up Plank Pose with one hand up
Downward Facing Dog Pose
Up Plank
Down Plank
Downward Facing Dog Pose
Standing Forward Bend Pose
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Tree Pose
Bridge Pose
Bow Pose
Child's Pose
I use blocks and blankets. I hope I can teach those poses without my notebook!