My second lesson

I had yoga lesson this morning. 6 Japanese people came to my home! one of the students is having her period,so I took care her poses. I told to her avoiding those poses
Downward Facing Dog Poses
Plank Pose
Sholder Stand Pose
Plow Pose

She avoided those poses today.

and I recommended those poses for her
Reclined Bound Angle Pose
Folded Butterfly
Extended Child's Pose
Child's Pose
Wide Leg Standing
Bridge Pose
Seated Angle Pose

When we did avoiding poses,she did Reclined Bound Angle Pose or Child Pose and rested.

Today's my yoga lesson menu is
Reclined bound angle
Easy sitting pose
Mountain pose (Tadasana)
Sranding forward bend pose
Lunge pose
Downward facing dog pose
Side chest stretch pose
Side angle strech pose
Triangle pose
Revolving triangle pose
Half moon pose
Wide leg standing
Up plank
Down plank
Tree pose
Dancer pose
Eagle pose
Bridge pose
Shoulder stand
Plow pose
Bow pose
Child's pose
Cat / Cow
Lord of the fishes
Seated angle pose

One of the student liked Eagle pose. I found the awesome YouTube! I like the hands variation!

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