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fall detox

I love to see photos in yoga magazine. My fav magazine is "yoga at home" by yoga journal now. I see those photos and I get some ideas for my lesson. The poses in the magazine are basic poses. I love basic poses:)

It's my fav magazine too! The "season of change" column is interesting! Especially "fall detox" is very interesting! The Link is here → 7-Day fall detox There are many videos and recipes etc on the page. If you never seen the page, go to the page and join their fall detox!;)

にほんブログ村 健康ブログ ヨガへ

mixiページ Lovely Yoga Days mixi page で、日本語にてブログの更新をお知らせ中♡
FaceBookのLovely Yoga Daysはこちら → Lovely Yoga Days FB page

my relax time

It's fall season. I love taking a bath in fall and winter season because my body get cold easily. I love reading some yoga books and yoga magazines in the bath tub:) It's my relax time before going to bed. I love just looking photos in the bath tub. Some photos which is hard pose one make me smile. Some stylish magazine photo make me feel good. Sometimes I think about my yoga lesson menu in the bath tub. I can't wait this relax time everyday:)


にほんブログ村 健康ブログ ヨガへ

Let's prevent together!

I did mammography last week for my check up. I was thinking about preventing cancer and I read the Pink Ribbon Official Page. They write about "anticancer body" and "Keys to success" about physical exercise. They write "Try Easy Activities - There's is no need to go to the gym and start power training, yoga or Tai Chi, which stimulate the body gently, can be practiced by almost anyone." I totally agree! yoga is great exercise for almost anyone! I would love to introduce yoga to people who don't know this great exercise "yoga" :) Of course, I think it's great not only exercise but also spiritually ;)

Let's prevent together!
にほんブログ村 健康ブログ ヨガへ

Fall weight loss yoga lesson

I'm going to have fall yoga lesson Oct! I recover my rib finally, so I can teach yoga!:D Yaaaay! I got good response about my fall yoga lesson, so I'm thinking about poses about weight loss now. I practiced teaching this morning and it's very similar to this YouTube! I would love to do those poses in my weight loss yoga lesson. I need more poses about weight loss, so I'm going to read yoga books;))

Happy fall !

にほんブログ村 健康ブログ ヨガへ

yoga for sleep

OMG I got up at 1:30am this morning! I got up 2:30am yesterday also. Ummmmm I don't know why:/  Lately I have hives during the night, maybe that's why I get up such a crazy time everyday.
I need more sleep, so I'm going to do it! I like her YouTube:') I hope I can sleep after doing the yoga for sleep;)

This YouTube is gr8 also! Awww I can't sleep now cuz' those YouTube of yoga for insomnia are very interesting for meee!Lol


にほんブログ村 健康ブログ ヨガへ

Farmer's Market in the hospital

I went to Farmer's Market in the hospital after my blood test this morning. Farmer's Market is good for Eating Local. I usually try to Eat Local and eat organic foods. There were many fresh vegetables and fruits in the market! I was so excited in there! Those peaches look so yummy♡ I saw many ppl bought those peaches at the market.

this yellow tomato and green tomato is very pretty! but I don't know how do I cock them:S I'll look for the recipe later;)

Those zucchini and egg plant are very fresh! Love them! I'll cock them for BBQ tonight!;) can't wait to eat them!!!

These red tomatoes and grape tomatoes are beautiful! They have lycopene! It has antioxidant properties. I eat red tomato everyday! my 5 yrs old son love grape tomatoes cuz' it's easy to eat for him:)
I love those fresh vegetable and peaches!

にほんブログ村 健康ブログ ヨガへ