relax soup

I had PMS this weekend, so I did some hip opening poses and I tried to eat more healthy. Sometimes I get nerves in my period. So I made salsa soup with celery and coriander because celery and coriander have relax ingredient:) Those smell make relax. I think doing relax poses and eating relax food are good for PMS.

【salsa soup】
My American friend told this great recipe to me. Thank you♡ I love this recipe:*)

2 chopped Chicken thigh
6 chopped coriander
1 diced celery
1 diced carrot
1 diced onion
4 cup water
1 cup salsa sauce
1 cube chicken bouillon
1/2 tsp black pepper

>1 put chicken thigh,celery,onion,carrot,water into the pan and heat.
>2 add coriander,salsa sauce,chicken bouillon,black peper and simmer it until tender.

I hope my PMS will be fading away~

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